There are many different styles of citation, like Associate Press style (AP) and Modern Language Association style (MLA). American Psychological Association style (APA) is used for history and social sciences. What follows is a basic guide on MLA citation; for additional information on citation, check the style guides of Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (
General Rules:
- Names goes surname first, first initial (Coon, B.) always.
- Dates are year, month day (1991, January 19); if no date found, use n.d.
- If no publisher, write n.p.
- Always include city of publication with state abbreviation; if no city, cite country or origin
- When using an online resource, cite the web address with the http://www.
- Volume is vol., number is no., editor is Ed., edition is ed., page is p., and pages is pp.
- Only capitalize the first word of titles except for periodical titles
- Italicize longer works, but never use quotation marks for short works.
Book or play
Last name, First Initial (Year of Publication). Title of book. City of Publication, State abbreviation if US or country if outside US: Publisher.
Barry, M. (2003). Jennifer government. New York, NY: Doubleday.
Barry, M. (2003). Jennifer government. New York, NY: Doubleday.
If the book is a reprint, add the date of original publication in parentheses after the regular citation.
Capote, T. (2012). In cold blood. Boston, MA: Vintage. (Original work published 1965).
Capote, T. (2012). In cold blood. Boston, MA: Vintage. (Original work published 1965).
If there is no author or editor, don't list "Anonymous". Just leave the line blank.
Diary of an Oxygen Thief (2006). New York, NY: Gallery Books.
Diary of an Oxygen Thief (2006). New York, NY: Gallery Books.
If the book has two to seven authors, list the subsequent authors after the first author; use an ampersand (&) and NOT the word 'and.'
Dubner, S. J., & Levitt, S. (2005). Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York, NY: William Morrow and Co.
Bruder, M., Cohn, L., Olenk, M., Pollack, N., Previto, R., & Zigler, S. (1986). A practical handbook for the actor. New York, NY: Vintage.
Dubner, S. J., & Levitt, S. (2005). Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York, NY: William Morrow and Co.
Bruder, M., Cohn, L., Olenk, M., Pollack, N., Previto, R., & Zigler, S. (1986). A practical handbook for the actor. New York, NY: Vintage.
If the book has eight or more authors, list the first six authors, then an ellipsis (. . . ), then the last author WITHOUT an ampersand.
Morrison, G., Jones, J.G., Mahnke, D., Pacheco, C., Clark, M., Merino, J., . . . Ho, D. (2009). Final Crisis. Toronto, Canada: DC Comics.
Morrison, G., Jones, J.G., Mahnke, D., Pacheco, C., Clark, M., Merino, J., . . . Ho, D. (2009). Final Crisis. Toronto, Canada: DC Comics.
If a book has a corporate author, replace the author's name with the writing association. As corporate authors tend to self-publish, list "Author" as publisher.
The Modern Language Association (2016). MLA handbook (8th ed.). New York, NY: Author.
The Modern Language Association (2016). MLA handbook (8th ed.). New York, NY: Author.
A book with an additional contributor (editor, translator, adapter, illustrator, publisher)
For a book with an author and editor, list the editor's name(s) after the book title with (Ed.).
Shakespeare, W. (2014). As you like it. B. A. Mowat & P. Werstein (Eds.). Washington, DC: Folger Shakespeare Library.
Shakespeare, W. (2014). As you like it. B. A. Mowat & P. Werstein (Eds.). Washington, DC: Folger Shakespeare Library.
For a book with no author and editor, list the editor's name(s) instead of the author with (Ed.).
Reeves, D. (Ed.) (2007). Ahead of the curve: The power of assessment to transform teaching and learning. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
Reeves, D. (Ed.) (2007). Ahead of the curve: The power of assessment to transform teaching and learning. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
For a book with a translator, list the name after the book title in parentheses with Trans. and date of original publishing.
Alighieri, D. (2002). Inferno (M. Palma, Trans.). New York, NY: Norton. (Original work published 1327).
Alighieri, D. (2002). Inferno (M. Palma, Trans.). New York, NY: Norton. (Original work published 1327).
APA style doesn't acknowledge illustrators and adapters as additional collaborators. For children's books and graphic novels, see graphic literature.
If the book has two co-publishers, list them both and separate them with a dash.
Braddock, B.. (2015). Bobby Braddock: A life on Nashville's music row. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt UP--Country Music Foundation Press.
Braddock, B.. (2015). Bobby Braddock: A life on Nashville's music row. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt UP--Country Music Foundation Press.
Editions and volumes of a book/ebook
Add edition number in parentheses after title.
Insel, P., Turner, R. E., & Ross, D. (2010). Discovering nutrition (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Insel, P., Turner, R. E., & Ross, D. (2010). Discovering nutrition (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
For a single volume in a series, add the volume number with Vol. in parentheses after title.
Baym, N., Levine, R., & Krupat, A. (Eds.). (2007). The Norton anthology of American literature (7th ed., Vol. B). New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Baym, N., Levine, R., & Krupat, A. (Eds.). (2007). The Norton anthology of American literature (7th ed., Vol. B). New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Cite an ebook the same as a regular book, but replace city and publisher where it was Retrieved from (full URL).
Capote, T. (2012). In cold blood. Retrieved from http.//
Capote, T. (2012). In cold blood. Retrieved from http.//
An introduction, preface, forward, or afterward
List the author of forward, etc, first and put book author before title
Gaiman, N (2013). Introduction. In R. Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (pp. i-xi). Boston, MA: Simon and Schuster.
Gaiman, N (2013). Introduction. In R. Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (pp. i-xi). Boston, MA: Simon and Schuster.
Graphic Literature
List Illustrators as a co-author, but not inks, colors, or layout.
Moon, F., & Ba, G. (2014). Daytripper . Salem, VA: Vertigo Comics.
Snyder, S., Jock, & Francavilla, F. (2011). Batman: The Black Mirror. Salem, VA: DC Comics.
If a single issue of a comic, list authors (year, month). Issue title. Comic series, volume(issue). Publisher (don't worry about city of publication).
Morrison, G., & Quitely, F. (2009, Oct.) Mommy made of nails. Batman and Robin, 4(3). DC Comics.
Moon, F., & Ba, G. (2014). Daytripper . Salem, VA: Vertigo Comics.
Snyder, S., Jock, & Francavilla, F. (2011). Batman: The Black Mirror. Salem, VA: DC Comics.
If a single issue of a comic, list authors (year, month). Issue title. Comic series, volume(issue). Publisher (don't worry about city of publication).
Morrison, G., & Quitely, F. (2009, Oct.) Mommy made of nails. Batman and Robin, 4(3). DC Comics.
An unpublished academic work
Author (year). Title of work (Unpublished academic work). Name of Institution, Location.
Coon, B. (2011). The backward knight; how Cervantes' masterwork crafted the last archetype (Unpublished undergraduate thesis). University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO.
Coon, B. (2011). The backward knight; how Cervantes' masterwork crafted the last archetype (Unpublished undergraduate thesis). University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO.
From a print book or anthology
Last Name, First Initial (Year of Publication). Title of Selection. In name (Ed.), Title of Anthology (pages). City of Publication: Publisher.
Masters, E.L. (2004). Fiddler Jones. In Spoon River Anthology (p. 71). Boston, MA: Simon and Schuster.
Masters, E.L. (2004). Fiddler Jones. In Spoon River Anthology (p. 71). Boston, MA: Simon and Schuster.
If selection is normally a full text, cite the same way but italicize the title of the work
Aristophanes (1988). Lysistrata. In The Works of Aristophanes. (L.T. Whitmore, Ed.). Chicago, IL: University Publishing, pp. 194-247. (Original work published 411 B.C.E.).
Aristophanes (1988). Lysistrata. In The Works of Aristophanes. (L.T. Whitmore, Ed.). Chicago, IL: University Publishing, pp. 194-247. (Original work published 411 B.C.E.).
From a website
Last Name, First Initial (Date of Publication). Page title. Retrived from and full web address
Wong, D. (2012, December 17). Six harsh truths that will make you a better person. Retrieved from
Wong, D. (2012, December 17). Six harsh truths that will make you a better person. Retrieved from
If a website has no author, list a corporate author or web domain name.
Quill and Scroll International (2012). Research and Resources. Retrieved from
If the website has no publishing date or year, use n.d.
Voices of East Anglica (n.d.). The beatnik generation. Retrieved from
Quill and Scroll International (2012). Research and Resources. Retrieved from
If the website has no publishing date or year, use n.d.
Voices of East Anglica (n.d.). The beatnik generation. Retrieved from
From a magazine, journal, or other periodical (print and online)
Last name, First initial (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue). Pages without pp.
Dobson, D. (2016). Geophysics: earth's core problem. Nature, 534(45). 95-99.
If the periodical has no volume or issue numbers, for volume use year and for issue use month number (if monthly) or week number (if weekly).
FOR A MONTHLY MAGAZINE RELEASED IN NOVEMBER 2015: Dickman, K. (2015). "On Fire." Popular Science, 2015(11). 42-47.
If reading a digital copy, cite same as print version, but add Retrieved from + full URL or digital object identifier (doi).
Dobson, D (2016). Geophysics: earth's core problem. Nature, 534(45). 95-99.
Dobson, D (2016). Geophysics: earth's core problem. Nature, 534(45). 95-99. doi:10.1038/534045a.
Dobson, D. (2016). Geophysics: earth's core problem. Nature, 534(45). 95-99.
If the periodical has no volume or issue numbers, for volume use year and for issue use month number (if monthly) or week number (if weekly).
FOR A MONTHLY MAGAZINE RELEASED IN NOVEMBER 2015: Dickman, K. (2015). "On Fire." Popular Science, 2015(11). 42-47.
If reading a digital copy, cite same as print version, but add Retrieved from + full URL or digital object identifier (doi).
Dobson, D (2016). Geophysics: earth's core problem. Nature, 534(45). 95-99.
Dobson, D (2016). Geophysics: earth's core problem. Nature, 534(45). 95-99. doi:10.1038/534045a.
For a newspaper article, list Author (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. pages without pp.
Barry, D. (2009, April 5). Just one last swirl around the bowl. The New York Times. ST6
Barry, D. (2009, April 5). Just one last swirl around the bowl. The New York Times. ST6
For a published review, list Author (Year, Month Day). Title of Review [Review of Performance Title]. Then cite periodical or website info.
Vejvoda, J. (2016, March 22). "BvS movie review" [Review of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice]. Retrived from
Vejvoda, J. (2016, March 22). "BvS movie review" [Review of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice]. Retrived from
For a published interview, list interviewer name & Interviewee name (Year of interview). Title of interview (if there is one) [Interview Transcript]. Then cite periodical info.
Kelly, K. (Interviewer) & Bradbury, R. (Interviewee). (1996). [Interview transcript]. Playboy, 43(5). 47-56, 149-150. Retrieved from
Kelly, K. (Interviewer) & Bradbury, R. (Interviewee). (1996). [Interview transcript]. Playboy, 43(5). 47-56, 149-150. Retrieved from
Director name (Director). (Year of release). Film title [Motion picture]. City and State: Studio.
Wilder, B. (Director). (1959). Some like it hot [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: MGM.
Wilder, B. (Director). (1959). Some like it hot [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: MGM.
If an online video, list director/channel name (Date posted). Video title [Video file]. Retrieved from and full web address
Labarre, N (Director). (2016, Feb. 8). Papa [Video file]. Retrieved from
Wisecrack (2013, Jun. 11). Thug notes: The great Gatsby. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Labarre, N (Director). (2016, Feb. 8). Papa [Video file]. Retrieved from
Wisecrack (2013, Jun. 11). Thug notes: The great Gatsby. [Video file]. Retrieved from
For an online clip from a studio film, add the name of the poster, date, and clip title. From Direct name, Film [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from web address.
MovieClips (2011, Jun. 16). You're gonna need a bigger boat. In Steven Spielberg, Jaws [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from
MovieClips (2011, Jun. 16). You're gonna need a bigger boat. In Steven Spielberg, Jaws [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from
If citing a special feature from a film's DVD, list "Feature title." Special feature on Film home release. If commentary, say commentary on instead of special feature.
Timekeepers. (2014). Special feature. For D. Chazelle (Director), Whiplash [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: Blumhouse.
Weinberg, S., Snider, E., Hayes, B., Zimmerman, S.D., Nastasi, A., & Vespe, E. (2015). [Film commentary]. For D. R. Mitchell (Director), It Follows [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: Radius--Northern Light Films.
Timekeepers. (2014). Special feature. For D. Chazelle (Director), Whiplash [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: Blumhouse.
Weinberg, S., Snider, E., Hayes, B., Zimmerman, S.D., Nastasi, A., & Vespe, E. (2015). [Film commentary]. For D. R. Mitchell (Director), It Follows [Motion picture]. Hollywood, CA: Radius--Northern Light Films.
For a television episode, list both writer & director names. (Date of original broadcast). Title of episode [Television series episode]. In Producer or Showrunner or Creator (Title), Series name. City and state of production, studio.
Martin, G.R.R. (Writer) & Nutter, D. (Director). (2013, Jun. 2). The rains of castamere [Television series episode]. In D.B. Weiss & D. Benioff (Showrunners), Game of Thrones. Hollywood, CA: HBO.
Swartzwelder, J. (Writer) & Moore, R. (Director). (1992, Nov. 3). Itchy and Scratchy: The movie [Television series episode]. In Matt Groening (Creator), The Simpsons, Woodland Hills, CA: Twentieth Century Fox.
Martin, G.R.R. (Writer) & Nutter, D. (Director). (2013, Jun. 2). The rains of castamere [Television series episode]. In D.B. Weiss & D. Benioff (Showrunners), Game of Thrones. Hollywood, CA: HBO.
Swartzwelder, J. (Writer) & Moore, R. (Director). (1992, Nov. 3). Itchy and Scratchy: The movie [Television series episode]. In Matt Groening (Creator), The Simpsons, Woodland Hills, CA: Twentieth Century Fox.
For news programs and other on-air broadcasts, list producer. (Date of broadcast). Series name [Television broadcast]. City of origin: Network or studio call letters.
Singal, S. (Producer). (2016, June 6). NBC nightly news with Lester Holt [Television broadcast]. New York, NY: National Broadcasting Corporation.
Singal, S. (Producer). (2016, June 6). NBC nightly news with Lester Holt [Television broadcast]. New York, NY: National Broadcasting Corporation.
For songs, list Songwriter (Year of Original Release). Song Title [Recorded by artist]. On Album name [Medium of recording]. Location: Studio.
Hunter, R. (1969). Ripple [Recorded by The Grateful Dead]. On American beauty [CD]. San Francisco: Warner.
Hunter, R. (1969). Ripple [Recorded by The Grateful Dead]. On American beauty [CD]. San Francisco: Warner.
For musical soundtracks, cite Songwriter (year). Title of song [Performed by names]. On Musical Title cast recording. Location of recording: Studio.
Miranda, L. (2015). Wait for it [Performed by L. Odom Jr.]. On Hamilton original Broadway cast recording [CD]. New York: Atlantic Records.
Miranda, L. (2015). Wait for it [Performed by L. Odom Jr.]. On Hamilton original Broadway cast recording [CD]. New York: Atlantic Records.
Diegetic music in a film (music actors perform) should be cite Songwriter. (Year). Title [Performed by actor]. In Film name [Motion picture]. Country: Studio (Year).
Mancini, H., & Mercer, J. (1961). Moon river [Performed by A. Hepburn]. In Breakfast at Tiffany's [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount (1961).
Mancini, H., & Mercer, J. (1961). Moon river [Performed by A. Hepburn]. In Breakfast at Tiffany's [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount (1961).
Non-diegetic music in a film (background music) should be cited like a musical soundtrack. If no soundtrack album exists, cite the album of original release.
Zimmer, H. (2012). Rise [Performed by Warner Bros. Studio Orchestra]. On The dark knight rises: Original motion picture soundtrack. [Spotify]. Burbank, CA: WaterTower Music.
Zimmer, H. (2012). Rise [Performed by Warner Bros. Studio Orchestra]. On The dark knight rises: Original motion picture soundtrack. [Spotify]. Burbank, CA: WaterTower Music.
For radio broadcasts, list Host names (date of broadcast). "Segment name (if applicable)." Series name [Radio broadcast]. Location: Studio call numbers.
Harris, B. J., & White, J. (2016, June 2).The BJ and Jamie show [Radio broadcast]. Denver, CO: KALC.
Harris, B. J., & White, J. (2016, June 2).The BJ and Jamie show [Radio broadcast]. Denver, CO: KALC.
For online audio podcasts, list Host names. (Date of posting). Episode title [Episode #]. Podcast name. Podcast retrieved from full web address.
Smith, K., & Mosier, S. (2014, March 4). The Walrus and the Carpenter [Episode 259]. Smodcast. Podcast retrieved from
Smith, K., & Mosier, S. (2014, March 4). The Walrus and the Carpenter [Episode 259]. Smodcast. Podcast retrieved from
A live speech or lecture, concert, or comedy show
Presenter name. (Date of show). Name of lecture or tour. [Live speech or entertainment]. Location of event, City, State.
Smith, K., & Garmin, R. (2016, May 27). Hollywood babble-on [Live entertainment]. The Hollywood Improv, Hollywood, CA.
The Barenaked Ladies (2016, June 5). The last summer on earth tour [Live entertainment]. Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison, CO.
Smith, K., & Garmin, R. (2016, May 27). Hollywood babble-on [Live entertainment]. The Hollywood Improv, Hollywood, CA.
The Barenaked Ladies (2016, June 5). The last summer on earth tour [Live entertainment]. Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison, CO.
For a live dramatic performance, list Playwright (Date of publication). Name of Work [Live performance]. Production Company Name, City, State (date of performance).
Simon, N. (1988). Rumors [Live performance]. Skyline High School, Longmont, CO (2005, November 5).
Simon, N. (1988). Rumors [Live performance]. Skyline High School, Longmont, CO (2005, November 5).
A personal interview
Interviewee name. Personal interview. Date of the interview.
Benton, John. Personal interview. 13 August 2011.
Benton, John. Personal interview. 13 August 2011.
An artwork (painting, sculpture, or photograph)
Artist’s Name (Year created). Title of work. Institution that owns artwork, City where it's located.
Van Gogh, V. (1889). Starry night. The Museum of Modern Art, New York City.
Van Gogh, V. (1889). Starry night. The Museum of Modern Art, New York City.
An online-only image or infographic
Artist or organization (even if just a username) (Year of posting). [Explanation of what the image is of]. Title of Work. Retrieved from full web address
Forsworth, N. (2015). [Photograph of trees with scratch-brush artistic filters]. Time. Retrieved from
Forsworth, N. (2015). [Photograph of trees with scratch-brush artistic filters]. Time. Retrieved from
A personal interviw or email
Interviewee or author of message (Date of contact). Personal communication.
Coon, B. (2016, May 15). Personal communication.
Coon, B. (2016, May 15). Personal communication.
A discussion board post or comment
Last name, First Initial or Username (Date of posting). Title of video or board post [Web log comment]. Retrieved from and full web address
Fouxjin (2016, January 4). Is Miku Hatsune a more authentic pop star than Lana Del Rey? [Web video comment]. Retrieved from
Fouxjin (2016, January 4). Is Miku Hatsune a more authentic pop star than Lana Del Rey? [Web video comment]. Retrieved from